January 31, 2020

Guest courses: Academic Writing by dr Vicky Byard (Northeastern Illinois University)

Dear students, We encourage you to register for the new course “Academic Writing” led by Dr. Vicky Byard from Northeastern Illinois University in Chicago. The lecture
January 23, 2020

General Elective Courses conducted by prof Roberto Rabel from Victoria University of Wellington [ZIP]

Dear students, We would like to invite you to register for the following classes in the forthcoming Springer semester: –Academic and Professional Writing in International Relations and
January 20, 2020
Prof. John J. Mearsheimer na Uniwersytecie Warszawskim

Crowds at the open lecture by prof. John J. Mearsheimer

On January 17, 2020, there was an open lecture by prof. John J. Mearsheimer from the University of Chicago. The professor, who is a friend of
January 15, 2020

Erasmus+ 2020/2021 – information meeting

The faculty Erasmus + Coordinator of exchange student trips together with the International Cooperation Office invite you to the information meeting during which they will present