March 2, 2023

Webinar “The Role of ASEAN in the Period of Transformation in the Regional Order in the Asia Pacific”

Department of Regional and Global Studies invites you to participate in a hybrid webinar titled “The Role of ASEAN in the Period of Transformation in the
February 22, 2023

Bilateral Exchange 2023/2024 – announcement

Dear Students, Are you looking for an opportunities to explore the academic experience beyond Europe? If yes, we announce the bilateral exchange recruitment for upcoming semester.
February 21, 2023

Students’ Conference: Peace and World Politics: Changing Dynamics

Department of Regional and Global Studies and Student Association of Pacific Area Studies, Faculty of Political Science and International Studies, University of Warsaw in cooperation with
February 20, 2023

Remote classes 21-22.02.2023 r.

Ladies and Gentlemen, in connection with the two-day visit of the US president and the B-9 summit on February 21-22 this year and planned transport difficulties