May 25, 2020
Oferta kierunków WNPiSM

Poznaj ofertę WNPiSM w roku akademickim 2020/2021

Droga kandydatko, drogi kandydacie na studia! Zachęcamy do zapoznania się z ofertą Wydziału Nauk Politycznych i Studiów Międzynarodowych. Interesuje Cię politologia? Jesteś ciekawy świata i chcesz
December 19, 2019

Merry Christmas and the happy New Year!

On behalf of the Faculty Authorities, I send all the best Christmas wishes to all students, academics and administrative staff. I wish you much joy and success,
October 22, 2019

International Conference: Transformation in Central-Eastern Europe 1989-2019: Success & Failures | 24th and 25th of October, 2019

We kindly invite you to The Welcome lecture by prof. Elzbieta Matynia “Is Liberal Democracy Already History?” (10:00-11:30, 24th 2019) and the Panel with Ambassadors from
September 9, 2019

The next office hours of the Head of Studies

The next office hours of the Head of Studies professor Joanna Starzyk-Sulejewska will takce place on 16th of September 2019 in room between 12:00 PM and