“Culture, Infrastructure and Mobility” conference at Sofia University


Dr. Iuliia Eremenko, Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies at the University of Warsaw, presented at the “Culture, Infrastructure and Mobility” conference at Sofia University, held from October 9th to 11th. In her talk, “Local Expertise and Decision-making in World Heritage Cities in Poland: Tram Line Closure and Heritage Preservation,” Dr. Eremenko discussed the challenges of balancing urban development with heritage preservation in Polish cities. This research is part of the project No. 2021/43/P/HS5/02926 co-funded by the National Science Centre and the European Union Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon 2020 under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement no. 945339. Her contribution was a testament to the importance of understanding and navigating the unique challenges World Heritage cities face in modern urban development.

Dr. Iuliia Eremenko completed a two-week field trip to Zamość
September 29, 2023
“Culture, Infrastructure and Mobility” conference at Sofia University
December 12, 2023