Department of Labor System and Labor Market



Research areas:

The Department of Labor System and Labor Market specializes in research in the field of labor law and employment relationships, labor market, economic migration, and social dialogue. Among the experts of the Department are scientists specializing in legal and socio-economic aspects of the functioning of the labor market in Poland and EU countries. Currently, apart from monitoring the situation in individual and collective labor relations, the employees focus their research on the socio-economic aspects of labor migration, the effects of Brexit, and analyzes of social and economic aspects of the Polish labor market. They constantly monitor both the situation on the labor market and the legal changes in labor legislation.

Areas of focus:

The labor market in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, the labor market in the information society, social dialogue in the European Union, the political and electoral market in Poland.

Institutional cooperation:

The staff of the Department cooperates with international institutions – ILO and OECD. European ones – European Commission, European Parliament, European Economic, and Social Committee and national ones – Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy, Historical Museum of Skierniewice, Scientific Council of “Rocznik Skierniewicki”, Ignacy Daszyński Center Foundation, the Social Dialogue Council, The State Fund for Rehabilitation of Disabled People, Social Insurance Institution (ZUS), voivodeship and poviat labor offices, Voluntary Labour Corps (OHP), and with employers’ organizations and trade unions.

Selected publications:

Męcina, J., Potocki, P., Niedziela, M. (2019). Assessing the Professional Standing of IT Specialists in the Polish Financial Sector. A Report from a Qualitative Study. Warsaw Forum of Economic Sociology, 10, 41-70.
Potocki, P. (2019). Warunkowy charakter przemocy w systemach społecznych: próba konceptualizacji. In Oblicza przemocy.
Potocki, P. (2019). Informacyjne determinanty rozwoju społeczno-ekonomicznego w XXI wieku: perspektywa infobrokeringu. Studia Politologiczne, 14-44.


67 Nowy Świat Street (Room no. 103, 104)
P: +48 22 552 02 86

Office hours

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Miejsce kursu:

  • Stara Biblioteka Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28 (kampus centralny UW)


  • 23.04.2024 20:00-02:00
  • 24.04.2024 20:00-02:00