Exchange Programmes
Every year Faculty hosts 150 incoming students. For courses offered by Faculty attend every year over 300 international students. Faculty invites international students for semester or one year (we accept also short period, for example one month stay – please contact coordinator). International candidates willing to undertake short-term studies may study as:
- Erasmus/other EU exchange programmes
- Exchange students – under a bilateral agreement between the University of Warsaw and student’s home university
- Students holding different scholarships
- Summer schools
Every year the Faculty sends abroad over 250 students. You can go to one of our partner University for one or two semesters. Please check our offer of:

Participation in the European Union’s Erasmus exchange programme gives every student a unique opportunity to study anywhere in the EU. It is also an opportunity for a short-term visit (7 days) to our Faculty for professors within the framework of the Erasmus programme.
Erasmus students are granted scholarships (studies and internships) and they are relieved of charges that it might otherwise have had to bear at the host university.
The Faculty of Political Science and International Studies:
- Cooperates with more than 100 European Universities within the framework of the Eramsus+ Programme
- Sends over 100 students to European universities every year
- Hosts 100 students from other countries
- Professors from the EU Univerisites visit the Faculty for one week under the Erasmus+ agreement and hold lectures.
All current information on the program can be found in the Erasmus Announcements and Erasmus +.
Erasmus Traineeship Programme
As a student of the UW you can apply for an internship within the Erasmus+programme. You can go to a student internship (with scholarship) to a foreign company / office, research institutes, non-profit organizations and other institutions (state administration units, museums, libraries, hospitals, etc.).
See more here.
The faculty has very well developed cooperation under bilateral agreements (agreement with universities outside the EU). There are about 40 universities that students can go to for a semester or an annual.
Our students are relieved of charges that it might otherwise have had to bear at the host university.
See more here.
Our Faculty organizes summer school. If Your students are interested to take part in Summer Schools or would like visit Warsaw for one week/10 days Summer School, please contact with coordinator of Summer Schools, dr Łukasz Gołota (e-mail:
Programme of the School depends on Your expectations. We could focus on EU issues (EU Economics, EU Law, EU Institutions, EU’s East Policy), bilateral issues, world trade, security.
Our Programme offers for students not only courses, but also cultural programme, meeting with representatives of government authorities, business etc.