Faculty staff abroad
Faculty Delegation in Lviv
We are pleased to announce that last week, a delegation of the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies at the University of Warsaw, led byDr. Łukasz Gołota as a visiting scholar at the University of California, Berkeley.
We are pleased to announce that in January 2024, Dr. Łukasz Gołota will complete a one-month research internship as a visiting scholar at the University ofProf. Hanna Schreiber received the St. Christopher Medal
We are pleased to announce that Prof. Hanna Schreiber received the St. Christopher Medal from the Museum of Krakow yesterday for her long-standing cooperation and meritsVisit by Dr. Aleksandra Jaskólska and Dr. Barbara Kratiuk to Korea as part of the strategic visit program
Dr. Aleksandra Jaskólska and Dr. Barbara Kratiuk from the Department of Regional and Global Studies visited South Korea on September 16-25, 2023 as part of theProf. Andrzej Szeptycki at the summer school “War in Ukraine and its Security Implications”
The summer school “War in Ukraine and its Security Implications” is being held in Prague from September 11 to 15. Its organizer is the Metropolitan UniversityProf. Hanna Schreiber’s activities for UNESCO
Professor Hanna Schreiber took part in a 3 days long training organised for UNESCO’s global facilitators in Sofia from 17th to 19th October. Prof. Schreiber isProfessor Andrzej Szeptycki in debate Voices from the War – Path to Peace: Ukrainian and international insights
On 20th October 2022 one of our Professors – Andrzej Szeptycki took part in a debate Voices from the War – Path to Peace: Ukrainian andProf. Andrzej Szeptycki on international conference The Russo-Ukrainian War
On 28th and 29th of September 20222 in London was held an international conference The Russo Ukrainian War. Our Faculty was represented by Prof. Andrzej Szeptycki,WNPiSM UW delegation during lectures in the Centre for European Studies
On 22nd and 23rd of September 2022 a series of lectures was held in the Centre for European Studies, School Of International Studies, Jawahalal Nehru UniversityWNPISM delegation visited the best universities in Bangkok
On 25-28 July, a delegation of our faculty employees visited three universities in Bangkok. Prof. dr hab. Jakub Zajączkowski (Dean’s Representative for cooperation and international researchResearch stay of Professor Hanna Schreiber in the United States
Professor Hanna Schreiber returned from a two-month research stay in the United States, where she spent part of the current summer semester as a visiting scholarVisit of dr hab. Aleksandra Gasztold, prof. ucz. in Cyprus
On March 13-16, 2022, dr hab. Aleksandra Gasztold, prof. ucz. is visiting Nicosia in the Republic of Cyprus. During her stay in Cyprus, Professor had theWNPiSM at NEIU in Chicago, Stanford University, and the University of Berkeley
A delegation of the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies (UW) comprising Dr. Łukasz Gołota and Dr. Aleksandra Jarczewska paid a study and organizational visitWNPiSM delegation after bilateral talks with UAE University
On November 9-12, the WNPISM delegation visited the United Arab Emirates. The reason for the visit was bilateral talks with the best university in the countryStudy visit of the representatives of the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies in Iceland
On 21-26 September 2021, a group of female researchers from the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies – professor Dorota Heidrich (Department of Diplomacy andWNPISM UW delegation at the University of Chisinau
On May 24-27, 2021, a delegation of the Faculty composed of the Dean, Daniel Przastek, Ph.D., Head of the Department of Political Thought prof. Wojciech JakubowskiJoint international science conference of WNPiSM and the University of Colombo, in cooperation with the LOT Polish Airlines in Colombo
Due to the opening of a new flight route by the LOT Polish Airlines between Warsaw and Colombo, the representatives of WNPiSM, dr. hab. Jakub Zajączkowski,Delegation of the Faculty of Political Sciences and International Studies of the University of Warsaw in Thailand and Vietnam
On November 5-8, 2019, a delegation of the Faculty of Political Sciences and International Studies of the University of Warsaw including: dr hab. Daniel Przastek (DeputyEuropean Crime Prevention Network (EUCPN)
European Crime Prevention Network (EUCPN) On November 30, prof. Zbigniew Lasocik and Łukasz Wieczorek PhD, from the Human Trafficking Research Center of the University of Warsaw, participatedWNPiSM during OCSC International Education Expo in Bangkok
On November 3-4, 2019, representatives of the Faculty – dr Łukasz Gołota and MA Linda Masalska participated in the 16th OCSC International Education Expo in Bangkok.Signing the agreement between WNPiSM UW and International Christian University
Vice Dean for Scientific Research and International Cooperation, dr Łukasz Zamęcki and Vice Dean for Students Affairs, dr Justyna Godlewska-Szyrkowa, during their visit to Tokyo, Japan, signed on behalf