NOTIFICATION on public defence of the doctoral dissertation mgr. Shokrollah Kamari Majin


Title of the dissertation: Evolution of Iran-Saudi Relations since 1979
Dissertation supervisor(s): Prof. Wiesław Lizak
Reviewers: Prof. Krzysztof Trzciński, UJ
Prof. Arkadiusz Żukowski, UWM

Scientific discipline: Political Science and Public Administration
Language of the defence: English

The public defence of the doctoral dissertation will be held remotely online, as defined in § 29 s. 6 of the appendix no 1 to the resolution no 481 of the Senate of the University of Warsaw on determining the procedure for awarding the doctoral degree and the degree of doktor habilitowany at the University of Warsaw (Monitor UW of 2019, item 340, as amended).

The text of the dissertation and the reviews is available here: .

The link to the public defence meeting will be made available after prior registration by e-mail .The registration of participants will be open from at 12 noon on September 30th, 2020 until at 12 noon on October 7th, 2020.

of The Academic Council
of Political Science and Public Administration
and Security Studies
Uniwersity of Warsaw

Prof. Barbara Szatur – Jaworska

Cultural Orientation at UW workshop
September 17, 2020
Webinar with Ms. Jane Connor
November 9, 2020