Hut Paweł dr hab.

Hut Paweł


Paweł Hut, PhD – Doctor of Social Sciences in the discipline of political science (2014) and Doctor of Humanities in the field of political science (2002).

From 2008 to 2012 plenipotentiary of the Dean for Material Assistance and head of the Stationary Study of Social Policy. Author of statements and lectures at international conferences in Berlin, Bamberg, Cieszyn in Zaolzie, Budapest and Bucharest. Member of three consecutive cadences of the Council for Refugees from 2004-2019. From 2022 to 2023 member of the Council for Public Benefit. From 2018 to 2022 member of the Council of the Museum of the Polish Army. From 2017 to 2024 member of the Advisory Board of the International centre for Migration Policy Development (Vienna). From 2016-2024 member of the Programme Board of the Polish-Czech Forum.

He specialises in research on ethnic relations in Central and Eastern Europe, population processes in Europe and post-Soviet space, and social issues and probelms in the past. His research and publications focus on Polish minorities in the former Eastern Bloc, migration (repatriation, exile) and the history of social issues and problems in post-war Poland. He devotes his free time to reading social journalism of the 20th interwar period (social issues, ethnic relations, memoirs) and observing social life in Transelsia (Zaolzie Silesia).

Research interests

Ethnic relations and national minorities. Poles in Transelsia (Zaolzie Silesia) and the former USSR. Repatriation and repatriates from the former USSR. Social issues in the interwar period. Film and music in the People’s Republic of Poland (1980s).


Department of Labor System and Labor Market

3 recent publications:

P. Hut, ” Language as a tool of enforced ethnic conversion in a border space with the example of Transelsia (Zaolzie Silesia)”, „Online Journal Modelling the New Europe”, 46/2024 p. 6-29.

P. Hut, ” Determinants of the existence of a Polish minority in Transelsia: regional identity, Polish-language education and social activity”, „Studia Wschodnioeuropejskie”, 20/2024, p. 412-441.

P. Hut, ” Solving social problems during a pandemic” [In:] „The Pandemic in Central Europe. A Case Study” J. Itrich-Drabarek [Ed.], Routledge, 2023, p. 120-137.