Kassner Maciej


dr Maciej Kassner – Ph.D. of Political Science (2014). In the years 2016-2019, Assistant Professor [Adiunkt] at the Institute of Philosophy at the Faculty of Humanities of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. Scholarship holder of the Polish-American Fulbright Commission. As part of the scholarship, in 2010-2011 he completed a research internship under the supervision of Professor Richard Bernstein at the New School for Social Research. Carried out two research grants of the National Science Centre:  “Prelude” (Pragmatism and Radical Liberalism.  A study of John Dewey’s political thought, 2012-2014) and “Fugue” (Market and politics.  A study of Karl Polanyi’s political philosophy, 2016-2019). His Ph.D. thesis entitled “Pragmatism and Radical Liberalism.  A study of John Dewey’s political philosophy” was published under the series “FNP Monographs” issued by the Foundation for Polish Science. Member of the Institutional Thought Forum and of the Karl Polanyi Research Center for Global Social Studies based in Budapest.

Research interests

History of political thought, non-Marxist socialism and liberal tradition, political economy, philosophy of social sciences.


Department of Political Theory and Political Thought

Recent publications:

M. Kassner, Pragmatyzm i radykalny liberalizm. Studium myśli politycznej Johna Deweya, Toruń 2019.

M. Kassner, John Dewey’s Pragmatism as a Critique of Economic Discourse, „Dewey Studies”, Winter 2019, v. 3, nr. 1, s. 5 – 53.

M. Kassner, O pierwszeństwie interpretacji przed ontologią. Przyczynek do krytyki realizmu w filozofii nauk społecznych, „Teoria Polityki”, nr 3, 2019.