Kurowska Anna dr hab.

Kurowska Anna


dr hab. Anna Kurowska, prof. ucz. Ph.D. in political science (2010) with habilitation (2018), Assistant Professor at the University of Warsaw, since 2018 a member of the Anti-Mobbing Commission at the University. Since 2020 Board member of The European Network for Social Policy Analysis (ESPAnet Europe). Since 2017 International Editorial Advisor of “Social Policy & Society”. Since 2018 deputy editor-in-chief of “Problemy Polityki Społecznej” (Social Policy Issues) and since 2019 a member of the Editorial Committee of “Studia Demograficzne” (Demographic Studies). Since 2019 member of the Committee on Demographic Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Reviewer in numerous highly ranked scientific journals, including “Social Policy”, “Social Forces”, “Social Policy & Administration”, “Social Indicators Research” and “Journal of Family Studies”. Panel expert of the National Science Center (NCN) in Poland. Full member in the International Network on Leave Policies & Research and member of the panel of experts in the Work and Family Researchers Network. National expert in the ERC CoG grant of prof. Mara A. Yerkes (CAPABLE). Currently the PI in a bilateral Polish-German project entitled “State and company-level work-family reconciliation policies and maternal employment. An analysis from a capability approach perspective” (financing: NCN / DFG) and in the project in international cooperation (Poland, Sweden, Germany and Japan) entitled “Fathers’ freedom of choice (not) to use parental leave” (funding by NCN). In 2015-2018 she was the PI of the research project entitled “Reconciliation of work and family life in Poland from the capability approach perspective” (funding by NCN), and in 2011-2015 the PI of an international research project entitled “Joint influence of family and labor market policies on labor market participation and fertility decisions of men and women” (FNP financing). Between 2013 and 2018, she coordinated quantitative research in the Polish research team in the projects financed by the European Commission (LIVEWHAT – FP7, TRANSSOL – Horizon 2020). She regularly participates and coordinates thematic sessions at the top international conferences in the field, such as: ESPAnet, ISA World Congress of Sociology, the International Association of Feminist Economics Annual Conference and Community, Work and Family Conference. He publishes extensively in highly ranked journals indexed in the Web of Science and Scopus, such as: “Social Indicators Research”, “American Behavioral Scientist”, “Social Policy & Administration”, “European Societies”, “Acta Politica”, “Politics & Policy” or “International Journal of Social Policy & Sociology “.

Research interests

Social policy, comparative family policy/care regimes; the impact of social policy reforms on female employment, gender division of labour, work-life balance and fertility and the moderating role of cultural context for this impact; capability approach; social indicators; institutional grammar


Department of Methodology of Political Science

Recent publications:

Kurowska, A., Barardehi, I.H., Fuller, S. et al. Familydemic Cross Country and Gender Dataset on work and family outcomes during COVID-19 pandemic. Sci Data 10, 2 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41597-022-01880-8

Fervers, L. & Kurowska, (2022) A. Local cultural context as a moderator of the impact of childcare on maternal employment: Evidence from a natural experiment. Journal of European Social Policy, online first, doi:10.1177/09589287221080395 link

Joecks, J., Kurowska, A., Pull, K. (2021) Is the push by female employees for family-friendly practices context-dependent? Comparative evidence from Sweden, Poland and Germany, Journal of Business Research, 126: 153-161, DOI: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2020.11.061. link

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  • Stara Biblioteka Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28 (kampus centralny UW)


  • 23.04.2024 20:00-02:00
  • 24.04.2024 20:00-02:00