dr hab. Wiesław Lizak – Ph.D. with habilitation in political science (2013), scholar at the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies, University of Warsaw. In 1999-2002, he served as Deputy Director of the Institute of International Relations. In 2001-2009, he sat on the Management Board of the Polish Society of African Studies, whereas since 2009, he serves as member of its Audit Committee. He is furthermore a member of the Scientific Board at the Jagiellonian Centre for African Studies, and the Programme Council at the Institute of New Europe. He has authored over 100 publications, and attended many academic conferences.
Research interests
International relations within Africa and Middle East, especially in the context of international security; international conflict.
Department of Regional and Global Studies
Recent publications:
W. Lizak, Libya – Road to dysfunctionality, “Politeja”, 2018 nr 5, s. 23-40.
W. Lizak, Geneza konfliktu w Mali, [w:] Pasja życia. Tom jubileuszowy dedykowany dr hab.Jackowi Łapottowi prof. US w 70. rocznicę urodzin, (red.) E. Prądzyńska, A. Szczepańska-Dudziak, L. Buchalik, Żory, 2019, s. 291-302.
W. Lizak, Bliski Wschód – krajobraz po bitwie, „Rocznik Strategiczny 2018/2019″, 2019 nr 24, s. 299-314.