Mieńkowska-Norkiene Renata

Mieńkowska-Norkiene Renata dr hab.

Mieńkowska-Norkiene Renata


dr hab. Renata Mieńkowska-NorkienePh.D. in Political Science (2009), Habilitation in Political Science (2018), Assistant Professor, Board Member of the Scientific Committee “Democratization in Comparative Perspective” of the International Political Science Association (IPSA) since 2018, Institute Coordinator of the Erasmus Programme at the UW Institute of Political Science from 2017-2019, Project Manager from 2010-2012: “Changing role of the Presidency in the European Union after the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty”, funded by the National Science Centre, in 2012-2013 manager of two projects of commercialization of scientific research in the field of increasing the effectiveness of European policy coordination for young scientists, funded by the European Social Fund, winner of the scholarship of the Minister of Science and Higher Education for outstanding young scientists for 2011-2014, in 2016-2019 member of the Board of the National Chamber of Mediators of the Republic of Lithuania, since 2015 member of the Programme Board of the International Civil Society Institute, expert for the Erasmus+ Programme of the Foundation for the Development of the Education System, in 2009-2019 she delivered speeches, among others, in Brussels, Vilnius, Brisbane, Sarajevo, Ostrava, Berlin, Florence; she held internships, among others, at the European Commission in Brussels, at EURAC in Bolzano, at the Liechtenstein-Institut.

Research interests

European Union policies, European Union institutions, integration processes in transnational space, political communication, EU youth policy, EU equality policy, conflict management in politics.

R. Mieńkowska-Norkiene, Successes and Failures of Poland’s European Policy in the Context of the EU Crises, SWOT Analysis of the Efficiency of Poland’s European Policy and its Priorities – Polish and British Perspectives, [w:] Polish European Policy 2004-2014 Ideas, (red.) Z. Czachór, A. Jaskulski, J. Jańczak, R. Mieńkowska-Norkiene, P. Tosiek, Berlin, 2019, s. 69-83, 97-115.

R. Mieńkowska-Norkiene, Komunikowanie Unii Europejskiej w warunkach kryzysowych w świetle teorii podażowo-popytowej – przykład polskiej prezydencji w Radzie UE, [w:] Polska polityka europejska. Wyzwania krajowe i międzynarodowe, (red.) Z. Czachór, A. Jaskulski, Poznań, 2019, s. 67-88.

R. Mieńkowska-Norkiene, Koordynacja wielosektorowych projektów w przestrzeni ponadnarodowej, Warszawa, 2014.


*CV (ENG )

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  • 23.04.2024 20:00-02:00
  • 24.04.2024 20:00-02:00