Nakonieczna-Bartosiewicz Justyna

Nakonieczna-Bartosiewicz Justyna dr

Nakonieczna-Bartosiewicz Justyna


dr Justyna Nakonieczna-Bartosiewicz – Ph.D. in political science (2006). She works as a scholar holding the post of an assistant professor at the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies. In 2007-2012, she was the Supervisor of the Graduate Program in International Relations. She also sat on the Board of the Centre of Migration Research in 2008-2019. Until 2020 she served as a member of the Editorial Board of Central and Eastern European Migration Review (CEEMR). She has given lectures at the University of Florence, the Autonomous University of Madrid, the University of Tromso, as well as several higher education institutions in Taiwan: National Chengchi University in Taipei, Tamkang University, Tunghai University and National Chung-Hsing University. She has collaborated with the Children’s University Foundation and the HumanDoc Foundation on several occasions, preparing series of seminars and workshops for participants of various age groups concerning international challenges.

Research interests

International relations, activities of non-state actors, international system and governance, transnationality, international migration in the international perspective, global challenges, problems of global governance.


Department of Methodology of Political Science

Recent publications:

J. Nakonieczna-Bartosiewicz, 移民、右翼政黨以及民主:以波蘭為例 林子立 民粹主義與國家分歧:以英國脫歐為例 (Migration, Right-Wing Parties and Democracy: Case of Poland), Eurasian Studies Quarterly, 2020 No.10.

D. Heidrich, J. Nakonieczna-Bartosiewicz, Współczesne wyzwania w zakresie ochrony uchodźców w Unii Europejskiej i w Australii, [w:] Polityka migracyjna w obliczu współczesnych wyzwań. Teoria i praktyka, (red.) H. Chałupczak, M. Lesińska, E. Pogorzała, T. Browarek, Lublin, 2018, s. 203-228.

D. Heidrich, J. Nakonieczna-Bartosiewicz, Analiza wpływu i znaczenia aktorów transnarodowych poprzez model bumerangu: studium przypadku działań Amnesty International wobec kryzysu migracyjnego w Europie, “Stosunki Międzynarodowe-International Relations”, 2017 nr 4, s. 109-134.
