Wyciechowska Iwona dr

Wyciechowska Iwona


dr Iwona Wyciechowska – graduate of the Faculty of Journalism and Political Science at the University of Warsaw (1978). Since 1981, she has served at the Institute of International Studies as member of the Faculty Board, Supervisor of Extramural First- and Second-Cycle Studies in International Relations, Supervisor of Part-Time First- and Second-Cycle Studies in International Relations, and Head of the Curriculum Board of Academic Campus Radio. In 2016, she defended her doctoral thesis, “Międzynarodowy obrót osobowy – szanse i zagrożenia.” On 15 June 2016, the Board of the Faculty of Journalism and Political Science at the University of Warsaw granted her by virtue of a resolution the degree of doktor nauk społecznych in political science. She has been working as an assistant professor at the Institute of International Studies, Faculty of Political Science and International Studies at the University of Warsaw since 1 October 2016, while she started working as a scholar on 1 October 2019.

Research interests

Modern-day international migration, political and economic geography of the world, globalisation processes in modern-day world, cultural aspects of international relations, society in modern-day international relations.


Department of Methodology of Political Science

Recent publications:

I. Wyciechowska, Międzynarodowy obrót osobowy jako źródło szans i zagrożeń. Wydawnictwo Akademickie Dialog, Warszawa 2021, ss. 270.

I. Wyciechowska, Działalność ONZ na rzecz uchodźców, [w:] Rola ONZ w kształtowaniu ładu międzynarodowego, Warszawa, 2017.

I. Wyciechowska, Wpływ masowych migracji międzynarodowych na ład międzynarodowy, [w:] Tendencje i procesy rozwojowe współczesnych stosunków międzynarodowych. Księga jubileuszowa z okazji 40-lecia Instytutu Stosunków Międzynarodowych Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, (red.) M. F. Gawrycki, E. Haliżak, R. Kuźniar, G. Michałowska, D. Popławski, J. Zajączkowski, R. Zięba, Warszawa, 2016, s.663-675.