Żyro Tomasz prof. dr hab.

Żyro Tomasz


prof. dr hab. Tomasz Żyro – professor of political science at the University of Warsaw. He specializes in the history of ideas and political theory. In the early nineties he was a visiting fellow at Chicago and Yale University. He run research as visiting fellow and professor at Trier Universität, Freie Universität in Berlin, Sorbonne (Paris II, Panthéon), University of Ottawa, Istituto Italo-Germanico, Trent. He wrote two books on American political and intellectual debates: God’s Plantation: A Story of American Utopian Mind and Ideologia Americana. Origins of the Political Beliefs. He also wrote the Introduction to Politics (Russian transl.). In 2008 he published the book The Political Will. Seven Essays on Practical Philosophy which gives a historical overview of discussions concerning the problem of will in the political domain (the book was awarded by the Polish Academy of Science). With his essay The Idea of Covenant and a Rise of Nationalism, he contributed to the book entitled Beyond Uniqueness. Nationalisms in Comparative Perspective (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2010). In last years he framed two anthologies: Policy Expertise in Contemporary Democracies, edited with Steven Brooks (University of Wisconsin, Ann Arbor), and Dorota Stasiak (Hertie School of Governance, Berlin), and Reprezentacja polityczna (Political Representation). The first one, that concerned a place and role of experts in contemporary public life, came out in Ashgate, Farnham. The second one describes deficits of the political representation.


Department of Political Theory and Political Thought

Recent publications:

T. Żyro, Kontrola cywilna nad armią w Stanach Zjednoczonych Ameryki, “Przegląd Sejmowy”, 2018 nr 6 (149), s. 195-211.

T. Żyro, Deformacje. Polityka a gradacje istnienia, “Teoria polityki”, 2019 nr 3, s. 11-41.

T. Żyro, Klimaktery Jakiego myślenia politycznego Polacy potrzebują, “Myśl Polityczna/Political Thought”, 2019 nr 1, s. 35-96.


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  • 23.04.2024 20:00-02:00
  • 24.04.2024 20:00-02:00