On March 6, 2025, the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies at the University of Warsaw hosted two academic seminars featuring prof. Roberto Castaldi (eCampus University), who visited our Faculty under the Erasmus+ program.
The first seminar, “Relaunching the European Economy: From the Letta and Draghi Reports Towards an Energy and Fiscal Union?”, focused on analyzing the economic challenges outlined in the Letta and Draghi reports and their implications for the future of the energy and fiscal union. The discussion also featured contributions from dr. Jadwiga Nadolska (WNPiSM UW) and Paweł Śliwowski (Polish Economic Institute).
The second seminar, “The EU in a New Geopolitical Context”, examined transformations in the global international order over recent decades and their consequences for the European Union. Alongside prof. Castaldi, the discussion included dr. hab. Adam Szymański (WNPiSM UW) and Jolanta Szymańska (Polish Institute of International Affairs).
We thank all participants for their active engagement in the discussion!