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zachęcamy do rejestracji na nowy przedmiot „Academic Writing” prowadzony przez dr Vicky Byard z Northeastern Illinois University w Chicago. Przedmiot prowadzony jest w języku angielskim. Za uczestnictwo dostaje się 4 punkty ECTS.
Sylwetka Pani Doktor w języku angielskim:
Dr. Byard a visiting professor from Northeastern Illinois University, located in Chicago, Illinois, USA. Dr. Byard has both an MA and PhD in Rhetoric and Composition from Purdue University. She has been teaching writing courses for thirty-six years. At Northeastern Illinois University, she is the Coordinator of the First-Year Writing Program (overseeing the entry-level writing courses that all students in the university must take) and also teaches courses in the MA in Composition program. In addition, she teaches courses in women’s and gender studies, as well as gay and lesbian studies. She currently has a two-year faculty fellowship in her university’s diversity center and also serves as the chair of the Faculty Senate at her institution.
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