Nazwa jednostki: WNPISM UW – Warszawa.
Nazwa stanowiska: stypendysta-student-doktorant
- In-depth knowledge of contemporary military affairs and relevant databases.
- English (at least B2).
- The applicant should meet the requirements provided for in the „National Science Center Scholarship Regulations in Research Projects Funded by the National Science Center” (https://www.ncn.gov.pl/sites/default/files/pliki/uchwaly-rady/2019/uchwala25_2019-zal1.pdf), i.e. he/she should be a BA, MA or PhD student during the entire period of receiving the scholarship.
Opis zadań:Technical and quantitative data collection, in particular from professional
databases, such as Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI),
Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO), International Institute for Strategic Studies
(IISS, London) Heidelberg Institute for International Conflict Research (HIIK)
databases and other relevant sources of this kind, including UN an UN agencies
sources.Typ konkursu NCN: OPUSTermin składania ofert: 6 września 2021, 00:00Forma składania ofert: email
Warunki zatrudnienia:
Dodatkowe informacje:
Required documents
1. Cover letter
2. Current curriculum vitae
3. List of candidate’s scientific achievements, including a. publications in recognized publishing houses/scientific journals, b. scholarships, awards and scientific experience gained in Poland or abroad, workshops and scientific training, participation in research projects, c. competences to carry out specific tasks in the research project.
3. Copy of BA/MA diploma (if available).
4. The consent to the processing of personal data for the purpose of the recruitment process (RODO)
All the documents are to be sent by mail to: warsofrussia@uw.edu.pl.