Guest lecture by Prof. Thomas Weiler: Role of German Diplomacy at United Nations
23 grudnia, 2019
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7 stycznia, 2020


We kindly invite you to the workshop for students with prof. Thomas Weiler

Reform proposals for the UN Security Council”

Date: Thursday 9th January, at 16.30,  room 316, Collegium Pollitcum


Organizers: Department of Diplomacy and International Institutions with student association Diplomap

About the guest: 

Prof. Thomas Weiler
University of Bonn and University of Applied Sciences for Public Administration and Management of the State of North-Rhine Westphalia. He is also admitted to the bar as lawyer in Germany. Graduated from: Harvard University; Rheinische Friedrich- Wilhelms-Universität/Bonn, Political Universität des Saarlandes; University of Lund. He is the Chair and co-founder of the United Nations Association of Germany, NRW-branch, a Member of the National Model UN NY Advisory Group (USA), and a Member of the Center for Global Studies/Institut für Politische Wissenschaft und Soziologie, Bonn University (Germany). His research focus is on the role of international organizations in international relations.