Wykład otwarty: BREXIT. A Review of Narratives, Perceptions and Approaches

Pomoc dla naszego studenta
8 marca, 2021
Konkursu na Najlepszą Pracę Licencjacką i Magisterską obronioną na WNPISM
8 marca, 2021


Szanowni Państwo,

zapraszamy na wykład otwarty brytyjskiego profesora Alfredo Moscardiniego – BREXIT. A Review of Narratives, Perceptions and Approaches.Wydarzenie odbędzie się 17 marca 2021 r. o godzinie 13.00 za pomocą platformy Zoom.

Link do spotkania: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89327558878
Meeting ID: 893 2755 8878

Wykład organizuje Pani dr hab. Iryna Pavlenko. Spotkanie w języku angielskim.

One hour cannot even begin to address the complexity of the Brexit decision as there are so many interlocking and contradictory factors. Professor Moscardini will present a reasoned account of why he voted the way he did in the BREXIT referendum which is based on his work in Cybernetics, Systems Thinking and Neuroscience.   All statements in this talk are personal and do not represent any group or party. The talk is a critical appraisal of what has taken place and possible reasons for the decision.. It does not offer solutions for an unknown and uncertain future. His only ambition is to stimulate a lively and fruitful debate which will continue beyond this first meeting.  The talk presents an opportunity for you to reflect on his views and in doing so consider your own.

Professor Alfredo Moscardini is a British professor with Italian ancestry. Over a thirty-year period, he submitted and managed more than 25   projects funded by the EU and has collaborated with all the Eastern European countries. He was formally a Mathematical Modeller but is now a Cybernetician and Systems Thinker with strong views on the future of Education and especially the role of universities in in the modern world.