Zapraszamy na wykład otwarty prof. Roberto Rabela (Victoria Univeristy of Wellington) pt. Winning the New Cold War: Lessons from the old one.
Wydarzenie odbędzie się 12 maja 2022 o godz. 15.00 w sali 303 w Gmachu Audytoryjnym WNPISM.
Sylwetka Profesora dostępna TUTAJ
Spotkanie w języku angielskim. Streszczenie wykładu przygotowane przez naszego gościa:
Intensified geo-political competition between great powers (especially involving the United States, China and Russia) has led many to suggest a new Cold War is unfolding, with unavoidable repercussions for other states and the world order. In this lecture, Emeritus Professor Roberto Rabel will address three key questions relating to this increasingly central development in the international relations of the early 21st century:
Wydarzenie w ramach Uniwersyteckiego programu ZIP
The task “Including foreign researchers in the teaching of the University of Warsaw” is organized under the Program of Integrated Activities for the Development of the University of Warsaw and financed by the European Social Fund. The goal of the ZIP program, implemented at the University of Warsaw in 2018-2022, is to develop the competences of students, doctoral students and employees, and to introduce tools that will improve university management. The program co-financing amounts to over PLN 38 million. More information at