Morawski Antoni


Antoni Morawski – PhD in social sciences in the discipline of safety science (2019). Researcher and teacher at the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies at the University of Warsaw, assistant professor at the Department of Homeland Security. Administration practitioner, local government employee, currently employed as Team Manager in the Office of Warsaw.

Research interests

Crisis management, local government, public administration, non-governmental sector, cooperation of the non-governmental sector with the public sector, volunteering.


Department of Internal Security

Recent publications:

A. Morawski, M. Szczegielniak, Volunteering in the time of COVID-19. The Polish example for Europe, ,,Przegląd Europejski”, nr 3, 2021.

A. Itrich-Drabarek, E. Borowska, A. Morawski, D. Przastek (red.), Samorząd terytorialny w Polsce – reforma czy kontynuacja?, Warszawa 2015.

A. Morawski, Wykorzystanie potencjału organizacji pozarządowych w procesie zarządzania kryzysowego, Warszawa 2014.