
WNPiSM Library

Library opening hours

HOLIDAY SEASON 2024 At the WNPiSM UW Library


MONDAYS 10.00-18.00





phone: 48 22 552 02 95

address: Nowy Swiat 69, 00-927 Warsaw, Poland




  • Always carry your student ID or the library card. Do not lend it to anyone. Notify us if your details change.
  • Do not disturb the research and study of other users
  • Use your mobile only in the entrance area. Set it to silent mode or turn it off.
  • You can bring in and drink bottled water only.
  • You must not eat or smoke.
  • Leave your overcoats, raincoats and other kinds of outdoor clothing as well as bags  in the cloakrooms. Please do not leave valuables unattended in the lockers and within the Library. 
  • Silence shall be maintained as far as possible in the Library.
  • You may use your portable computer provided it is quiet in operation. Do not view, send or download anyoffensive content.
  • Do not tamper with or damage Library property

About the Library

The Faculty of Political Science and International Studies Library at the University of Warsaw is located at Nowy Świat 69, on the first floor. It is one of the largest faculty libraries at the University of Warsaw, both in terms of the use of collections and attendance in the reading room. The Library Regulations were adopted by the Faculty Board in 1998, and modified in 2011 with the introduction of automated access to the collections. 

Books are primarily collected for the teaching and research needs of all courses of study at the Faculty. Currently, the library collection has about 71 000 volumes – books and scientific journals and also 800 PhD theses that have been defended at the Faculty and collected since 1975.

According to the University Regulations, the reading room is also a public scientific reading room. All who are interested, can use the collections freely here. Due to our participation in the cooperation of Polish academic libraries, in terms of developing computer files in NUKAT, information about our book collection is available in the University of Warsaw Libraries online catalogue and the NUKAT central directory.

The reading room has 90 seats. It houses a reference library that contains works of general content, encyclopaedias, dictionaries, reference books and magazines collected by the library.

Information about our book collection can be obtained either through a computer directory or an old-fashioned card catalogue.

There are eight computers available to our readers. Using them, you can order books (after logging on to the UW Libraries system), as well as browse catalogues and online databases.

Students, doctoral students and university employees have the right to borrow books from the library. Employees and graduate students borrow on the basis of cards issued at the University of Warsaw Library, while students can use their student ID cards. At a given time, a user can have six books on his account (excluding reading room materials). The maximum duration of the loan period is 30 days. If a book is widely-read, the rental period is determined by the librarian. Photocopies, journals and materials from the reference library are not available for borrowing outside the reading room.

At the beginning of each academic year, the library organises an information meeting for first-year students at our Faculty. The aim is to familiarise them with the library, the library Terms of Use and Regulations.