Dr. Jagannath Panda – is a Professor at the Department of Regional and Global Studies at the University of Warsaw. Currently, Prof. Panda is based in Stockholm, and Heads the Stockholm Center for South Asian and Indo-Pacific Affairs (SCSA-IPA) at the Institute for Security and Development Policy, Sweden. He is also a Senior Fellow at The Hague Center for Strategic Studies in the Netherlands. As a senior expert on China, East Asia, and Indo-Pacific affairs, Prof. Panda has testified to the US-China Economic and Security Review Commission at the US Congress. He is the Series Editor for Routledge Studies on Think Asia (a Taylor and Francis outfit), and also the Editorial Board Member of the Journal of Asian Public Policy (JAPP: Routledge), an SSCI journal.
Research interests
East Asia, India, Indo-Pacific, Global South
Department of Regional and Global Studies
Recent publications:
Panda, J.P. (2023): “Seoul in India’s (new) middle order convergence, Asian Politics and Policy, 15(1), 2023, pp. 83–97.
Panda, J.P. (2021): Quad Plus and Indo-Pacific: The Changing Profile of International Relations, Routledge: London, 2021. [Co-edited Book].
Panda, J.P. (2019): India and China in Asia: Between Equilibrium and Equations, Routledge: London and New York (Edited Book).