Skrynka Dmytro


dr Dmytro Skrynka – Ph.D. in Law (Theory and history of state and law, history of political and legal doctrines) (2004). Research and didactic worker at the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies of the University of Warsaw. In 2000-2007 Assistant Professor, in 2007-2023 Docent (Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv). Scientific title of Docent (2012). Author of the textbook “Law of the World Trade Organization”, recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (2010). Co-author of the textbook “Public International Law” (2018, 2019).

Research interests

International political relations, international organizations (including the World Trade Organization), international economic relations, public international law, economic analysis of international relations and of public international law


Department of Diplomacy and International Institutions 

Recent publications:

Skrynka, D. (2024) “EU Accession of Western Balkan States: The Role of CEFTA and WTO Membership”. Studia Europejskie – Studies in European Affairs, 3/2024, pp. 143-158.

D. Skrynka, Recognition of Kosovo: limitations of the GDR model, „Rocznik Instytutu Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej” 22 (2024), z. 2, s. 95-110.

Скринька Д.В., Потенційні шляхи подолання кризи системи врегулювання спорів в Світовій організації торгівлі (СОТ) (Dmytro Skrynka, Potential Ways to Resolve the Crisis of the Dispute Settlement System in the World Trade Organization (WTO)). Український часопис міжнародного права, 2020, №1, с. 34-39 (Ukrainian Journal of International Law, 2020, nr 1, p. 34-39).