Students’ Unions
International Students’ Union
The main aim is to represent each students’ opinions and ideas. We make sure you are informed and that you are being heard. We are problem solvers, mentors, and – above all – peers.
In accordance with the Law on Higher Education, all students make up the students’ union. By the regulations of the Students’ Union, the executive body is the Executive Board of the Student Union at WNPISM UW, elected each year, between October and November.
The main competencies of the Executive Board of the Student Union include:
- Protecting students’ rights;
- Expressing the opinion of the academic community,
- Making co-decisions with the authorities of the Faculty concerning social issues – in particular issues of material assistance as well as awards for academic performance [through a representative in the Scholarship Committee];
- Expressing opinions and approving projects and decisions made by the authorities of the Faculty and Institute, including approval of class schedules, study cycles, and programs, schedules of exam sessions, amount of fees paid by the students, lists of those qualified for scholarships;
- Cultural, sports, and integration initiatives are done by the students, primarily: trips, events, tournaments, workshops, and festivals;
- Appointing year delegates
The Act on Higher Education gives broad powers to Students’ Unions. As your representatives, we want to fulfill as many of your demands and our tasks as we can. Regardless of the number of organized events, trips and competitions, our ultimate goal is to represent the interests of the academic community and defend the rights of the students. If you think your rights have been violated or you noticed some irregularities – please contact us. Together, acting on the basis of the mandate entrusted to us, we are able to do more.
The Students’ Union of WNPISM UW Representatives of the English Section are:
Head of the International Students’ Union WNPiSM – Dżulieta Harutjunjan (d.harutjunja@student.uw.edu.
Vice-Head of the International Students’ Union WNPiSM –Bohdana Kladova (b.kladova@student.uw.edu.pl)
Supervisor of the first-year International Students’ Union WNPiSM –Alicja Sicko (a.sicko@student.uw.edu.pl)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/
Instagram: https://instagram.com/wnpism_
E-mail: wnpisminternationalsu@gmail.
Office hours:
Monday – 4:30 – 6:00 PM (in person)
Thursday – 3:30 – 6:00 PM (on-line)

[Polish] Students’ Union of the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies
The WNPISM Students’ Union is a student body involved in matters related to the education process and in the social life of the Faculty. It has a goal of creating conditions for gaining the best possible student experience. The tasks of the union include representing students before the Faculty authorities, as well as organizing events such as the Noble Match, Gardenalia, or the Faculty’s Christmas Eve. In addition, the Union participates in planning trips and integration events as well as organizing conferences and scientific debates – all so that the time spent at our Faculty is exceptional, and that graduates recall their studies here with a smile on their face. The union is made up of students of the Faculty, who have a common goal – the good of the community of students of the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/samorzad.wnpism.uw
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RSSWNPiSM
Didactic Council:
Name | Field of study |
Giuseppe Adamo | Graduate Programme in International Relations |
Marta Jaskierska | Politologia |
Dawid Kosmal | Bezpieczeństwo wewnętrzne |
Aleksandra Kupińska | Organizowanie rynku pracy |
Karolina Molska | European Politics and Economics |
Bartłomiej Myszór | Stosunki międzynarodowe |
Kamila Sawicka | Studia euroazjatyckie |
Agata Stankowska | Polityka społeczna |
Maria Wielgosz | Undergraduate Programme in International Relations |
Martyna Zaniuk | Europeistyka |
Faculty’s Council:
Name | Field of study |
Weronika Frąckiewicz | Europeistyka |
Michał Gwardyński | Politologia |
Aleksandra Mackiewicz | Politologia |
Alicja Malinowska | Polityka społeczna |
Robert Pątkowski | Bezpieczeństwo wewnętrzne |
Justyna Smoleń | Stosunki międzynarodowe |
Małgorzata Steczkowska | Stosunki międzynarodowe |
Mateusz Wareszczak | Bezpieczeństwo wewnętrzne |
Students’ Council:
Name | Field of study | E-mail adress |
Małgorzata Steczkowska – president | Stosunki międzynarodowe | mm.steczkowska@student.uw.edu.pl |
Alicja Malinowska – vice-president | Polityka społeczna | malinowska.alicja00@onet.pl |
Adam August Michalik – vice-president | Politologia | adam1august.michalik@gmail.com |
Aida Al-Dahabi | Polityka społeczna | a.al-dahabi@student.uw.edu.pl |
Michał Gwardyński | Politologia | gwardynskimichal@gmail.com |
Robert Pątkowski | Bezpieczeństwo wewnętrzne | r.patkowski@student.uw.edu.pl |
Justyna Smoleń | Stosunki międzynarodowe | j.smolen@student.uw.edu.pl |
Katarzyna Suchocka | Europeistyka | kj.suchocka@student.uw.edu.pl |
Magdalena Tomaszewska | Stosunki międzynarodowe | mj.tomaszewska6@student.uw.edu.pl |
Students’ Parliament of the University of Warsaw:
Name | Field of study |
Aida Al-Dahabi | Polityka społeczna |
Mateusz Barański | Bezpieczeństwo wewnętrzne |
Adam August Michalik | Politologia |
Agata Stankowska | Polityka społeczna |