dr Marta Balcerek-Kosiarz – Ph.D. in Political Sciences (2015), researcher and lecturer at the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies of the University of Warsaw. Head of the NCN research project entitled “Rola samorządu w sferze podnoszenia konkurencyjności regionów w Polsce i Republice Federalnej Niemiec” (The role of local government in raising the competitiveness of regions in Poland and the Federal Republic of Germany) (2013–2018). Member of the Polish Political Science Association and the International Political Science Association. Manager and participant of national and international scientific projects funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, NCN and the POWER Programme. Author of expert reports and opinions for the government and local administration. Manager in educational projects. Former Assistant Professor at the Zygmunt Wojciechowski Institute for Western Affairs. Former Assistant Professor at the Adam Mickiewicz University, Faculty of Political Science and Journalism, Local Authorities and Self-Government Research Department. Research internships at multiple universities in Germany: in Berlin, Halle and Munich. Scholarship of the Minister of Science and Education for Outstanding Young Scientists (2019–2022) for conducting innovative scientific research and international scientific output. Holder of the City of Poznań Scholarship for young scientists (2014–2015); holder of the Kulczyk Family Foundation Scholarship for outstanding scientific and organisational activity (2013–2014); holder of the Minister of Science and Higher Education Scholarship (2012–2013 and 2008–2010). Primus Inter Pares competition winner (2008).
Research interests
Local and economic government system (chambers of commerce, chambers of crafts and chambers of agriculture); local and regional development and public management in Poland and Germany; municipal economy, public-private partnership in entrepreneurship and business innovation, intersectoral cooperation, management control in public administration.
Department of State Sciences and Public Administration
Recent publications:
M. Balcerek-Kosiarz, Działalność gospodarcza samorządu gminnego w Polsce i Niemczech, Warszawa, 2018.
M. Balcerek-Kosiarz, Neues Paradigma über lokale und regionale Entwicklung in Polen und in Deutschland, Poznań, 2018.
M. Balcerek-Kosiarz, Samorząd terytorialny w Niemczech, Poznań, 2019.