Mering Tomasz

Mering Tomasz dr

Mering Tomasz


dr Tomasz Mering – Ph.D. in political science (2009), scholar at the the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies at the University of Warsaw, Supervisor of Social Policy and Labour Market Organisation degree programmes. In 2012-2016, he served as Deputy Director of the Centre for Local Government and Development Studies at the University of Warsaw, and in 2019 he was Deputy Director of the Institute of Social Policy. Among other institutions, he has worked at the Department of Economic Analyses and Forecasts at the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy (now, the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy), as well as the Mazovian Labour Market Observatory at the Mazovian Labour Office in Warszawa. He has been an expert coordinator for various research projects on labour market policy and lifelong learning. He has also been a Marie Curie Fellow at the University of Stirling, Scotland. He has authored various publications on social and public policy.

Research interests

Social economy, governance, implementation of public policies, activation-driven approach in social policy, labour market policy.


Department of Methodology of Political Science

Recent publications:

T. Mering, Implementacja polityk publicznych: aspekty metodologiczne i teoretyczne, [w:] Polityki publiczne. Wybrane zagadnienia teoretyczne i metodologiczne, (red.) B. Szatur-Jaworska, Warszawa, 2018, s. 159-184.

T. Mering, Pomiar jakości rządzenia (governance), [w:] Nowe idee zarządzania publicznego. Wyzwania i dylematy, (red.) E. M. Marciniak, J. Szczupaczyński, Warszawa, 2017, s. 123-144.

T. Mering, A. Izdebski, M. Ołdak, R. Szarfenberg, Selected Aspects of Social Cooperatives in Poland, “Euricse Working Paper Series”, 2017 nr 93, s. 1-23.