Nadolski Marek

Nadolski Marek doc. dr

Nadolski Marek


doc. dr Marek Nadolski – Ph.D. in political science (1983), teacher at the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies, University of Warsaw; associate professor since 2007. In the 1990s, he served as Deputy Director for Education at the Institute of Political Science, University of Warsaw. In 1995-2007, he was the Vice-Dean for Student Affairs at the Faculty of Political Science, Pułtusk Academy of Humanities; and in 1982-1990, he was secretary for ministerial first-degree research programmes coordinated within the Institute of Political Science, University of Warsaw. In 1991-2004, he served as scientific secretary of the Central Committee of the Poland and Contemporary World Knowledge Olympiad, whereas in 2005-2010, he was President of the Central Committee of the European Union Knowledge Olympiad. Furthermore, in 2004-2016, he served as a member of the Programme Council at the “Społeczeństwo i Polityka” quarterly. In the 1990s, he paid study and organisational visits to the Thames Valley University in London, as well as to higher education institutions in Copenhagen, Budapest, Klaipėda, Université libre de Bruxelles, and the Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University.

Research interests

Communist social engineering – gaining and exercising power, the fates of the Polish democratic opposition, unification and migration processes in Europe.


Department of Political History

Recent publications:

M. Nadolski, Inne granice. Rola antecedencji cywilizacyjnych, religijnych i etnicznych w formowaniu przestrzeni eurounijnej, [w:] Unia Europejska w poszukiwaniu swoich granic, (red.) M. Trojanowska-Strzęboszewska, Warszawa, 2017, s. 195-210.

M. Nadolski, Postrzeganie imigrantów i perspektywy jedności kontynentu w pryzmacie europejskiego protekcjonalizmu cywilizacyjnego, [w:] Unia Europejska i wybrane państwa świata wobec kryzysu migracyjnego, (red.) J. Nadolska, P. Stawarz, K. A. Wojtaszczyk, Warszawa, 2017, s. 69-92.

M. Nadolski, Demokracja w Polsce – tradycja i współczesność, [w:] Demokracja. Istota, idee, cele i ich realizacja, (red.) K. A. Wojtaszczyk, J. Nadolska, Ł. Zamęcki, Warszawa, 2018.