dr Magdalena Tomaszewska-Michalak – Doctor of Law (2014), member of research and teaching staff at the Department of Internal Security, Faculty of Political Science and International Studies, University of Warsaw. One of the thematic editors of “Problemy Współczesnej Kryminalistyki” [Problems of Contemporary Forensics]. Supervisor of internships in the field of Internal Security.
Research interests
Forensic science, biometrics, penitentiary system.
Department of Internal Security
Recent publications:
M. Tomaszewska-Michalak, Fake news-wstępna analiza zjawiska, Przegląd Politologiczny, 1(2021), s. 59-72.
M.Tomaszewska – Michalak, P. Waszkiewicz, B. Stromczyński, S. Rabczuk, Czy Wielkopolska Policja umie w internety? Analiza strategii komunikacyjnej KWP w Poznaniu na portalu Facebook, [w]: Media społecznościowe w pracy organów ścigania (red. P.Waszkiewicz), Wydawnictwo IPN PAN, Warszawa 2021, s. 61-81.
M.Tomaszewska-Michalak, Paw patrol? How Polish police are using animal images and funny content on social media, [in] Social Media and Law Enforcement Practice in Poland (ed. Paweł Waszkiewicz), Routlege, 2024, http://dx.doi.org/10.4324/9781032680194-3