
October 27, 2022

Students’ meeting with the Dean and the Head of the Teaching Unit

Dear students, we invite all of you to a meeting with the dean of the WNPiSM UW, dr. hab. Daniel Przastek and the Head of the
October 26, 2022

Lecture by prof. Sudheendra Kulkarni – Security and Sustainable Development for All: learning from great minds from Europe and Asia

We invite you to the lecture entitled Security and Sustainable Development for All: learning from great minds from Europe and Asia, given by prof. Sudheendra Kulkarni.
October 26, 2022

IISMA students in Gdańsk

On October 21-23, 2022, a study visit of the students of the International Indonesian Students Mobility Award (IISMA) scholarship program from Indonesia to Gdańsk took place.
October 26, 2022

Stypendyści IISMA w Gdańsku

On October 21-23, 2022, a study visit of the students of the International Indonesian Students Mobility Award (IISMA) scholarship program from Indonesia to Gdańsk took place.