June 20, 2022

The Many faces of Philanthropy: Introduction to Philanthropy and International Organisations

The course designed for students at the University of Warsaw & the University of Geneva In cooperation with scholars both Universities Winter semester 2022/2023 The Many
June 14, 2022

China’s BRI in the time of economic slowdown: what does it mean for EU and Japan

The Faculty of Political Science and International Studies would like to cordially invite all interested to participate in the seminar “China’s BRI in the time of
June 14, 2022

Seminarium “Quad Plus: Is there a Space for Europe?”

The Faculty of Political Science and International Studies would like to cordially invite all interested to participate in the seminar Quad Plus: Is there a Space
June 8, 2022

Change and Continuity of Taiwan Identity among the Electorate in Taiwan

Presenter: Professor Lu-Huei Chen Research Fellow of Election Study Center, and Chair and Professor of Department of Political Science, National Chengchi University Discussant: Professor Łukasz Zamęcki,