October 18, 2023

Guest lecture by Dr. Jwyhun Rzayev and Dr. Nigar Akhundov

We invite you to a guest lecture by Dr. Jwyhun Rzayev from ADA University of Azerbaijan and Dr. Nigar Akhundov from the Institute of History of
October 11, 2023

Prof. Zbigniew Lasocik uczestniczył w projekcji filmu Sound of Freedom

W poniedziałek 9 października br. prof. Zbigniew Lasocik, Kierownik Ośrodka Badań Handlu Ludźmi UW, uczestniczył w projekcji filmu Sound of Freedom w reżyserii Alejandro Monteverde. Projekcja filmu zainaugurowała
October 5, 2023

Prof. Hanna Schreiber received the St. Christopher Medal

We are pleased to announce that Prof. Hanna Schreiber received the St. Christopher Medal from the Museum of Krakow yesterday for her long-standing cooperation and merits
October 2, 2023

Visit by Dr. Aleksandra Jaskólska and Dr. Barbara Kratiuk to Korea as part of the strategic visit program

Dr. Aleksandra Jaskólska and Dr. Barbara Kratiuk from the Department of Regional and Global Studies visited South Korea on September 16-25, 2023 as part of the