November 18, 2022

Wykład “Japan, Russia, and China: A Japanese perspective on the Russian aggression in Ukraine”

Prof. Shin Kawashima z Tokyo University wygłosi na WNPiSM wykład na temat: Japan, Russia, and China: A Japanese perspective on the Russian aggression in Ukraine. Wykład
November 17, 2022

The Geopolitics of Borders – Cutting out the Earth, Imposing a Vision of the World

Center for French Culture and Francophone Studies at the University of Warsaw, Faculty of Political Science and International Studies at the University of Warsaw and Groupe
November 4, 2022

Webinar „China, The Party, Xi Jinping- what does 20th CPC National Congress change?”

Student Association of Pacific Area States (KPOP) would like to kindly invite you to a webinar „China, The Party, Xi Jinping- what does 20th CPC National
November 4, 2022

The seminar “Contemporary Peru: Opportunities and Challenges”

The Student Association of Latin America and the Caribbean is proud to invite you to the seminar “Contemporary Peru: Opportunities and Challenges”. Our guest of honor