Bieleń Stanisław prof. dr hab.

Bieleń Stanisław


prof. dr hab. Stanisław Bieleń – graduate of the Faculty of Journalism and Political Sciences of the University of Warsaw (1976); employed at the Institute of International Relations (from 1976 until its dissolution), successively as assistant, senior assistant, assistant professor, associate professor (2010) and professor (2019); doctor of political sciences (1983); habilitated doctor of humanities in the field of political sciences, specialization in international relations (2006); professor of social sciences (2015); chief of the Department of Journalism and Political Sciences at the University of Warsaw (1993-1999; 2008-2012); Deputy Director of the Institute of International Relations (1984-1987; 2002-2008); Deputy Director of the Centre for Eastern Research of the University of Warsaw (1993-1999); member of the Senate of the University of Warsaw (1999-2002); editor-in-chief of the magazine “Stosunki Międzynarodowe-International Relations” (1999-2014); participant of many national and international conferences; promoter of 8 doctorates, nearly 280 masters and 240 bachelor’s degrees; awarded, among others, with the Medal of the National Education Commission (2011) and the Golden Cross of Merit (2017).

Research interests

Geopolitics in Polish-Russian relations; Reconciliation processes in international relations; Identity problems in international relations; Eastern policy of Poland; Negotiations in international relations


Department of Eastern Studies

Recent publications:

S. Bieleń, Czas próby w stosunkach międzynarodowych. Miscellanea, Warszawa, 2017.

S. Bieleń, Comparing Polish-German and Polish-Russian reconciliation efforts, [w:] Reconciling with the Past. Resources and Obstacles in a Global Perspective, (red.) A. Frieberg, C. K. Martin Chung, London-New York, 2017, s. 148-160.

S. Bieleń (red.), Polityka wschodnia Polski – między fatalizmem geopolitycznym a klątwą niemocy, Pułtusk-Warszawa, 2019.

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