prof. dr hab. Jolanta Itrich-Drabarek – Alumna of the Institute of Political Science, University of Warsaw (1986). Ph.D. in humanities (1990). habilitation in social sciences, professor (2018), political scientist. Since 2019 member of the 1st term of Rada Doskonałości Naukowej. In years 2020-2022 Vice Dean for Development. Since 2019 Director of the Department of State Sciences and Public Administration. Director of the Centre for Local Government and Development Studies, University of Warsaw in 2016-2019. Member of the Civil Service Council in 2012-2016. Member of the Scientific Council for the “Public Administration Yearbook”, Pedagogical University of Krakow (since 2015). Member of the European Consortium for Political Research since 2014 and Polish Political Science Association. Reviewer of journals “Society and Politics” and “Public Management”. In 2010-2017 project coordinator for preparing and monitoring preparatory service materials for the civil service e-learning, as per the agreement between the Masovian Governor’s Office and the University of Warsaw. Research project manager – Implementation of norms, procedures and values of the European civil service in states of the Central and Eastern Europe (Implementacja norm, procedur i wartości europejskiej służby cywilnej w państwach Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej), research project financed by the National Science Centre in Cracow, Decision nr 6924/B/H03/2011/40 of the Minister of Science and Higher Education from November 7th 2011, implementation period 7.11.2011 – 30. 09. 2012. Research project manager, participation in the research Implementation of norms, procedures and values of civil service in local government units in Poland (Implementacja norm, procedur i wartości służby cywilnej w jednostkach samorządu terytorialnego w Polsce) conducted for Małopolska School of Public Administration and Cracow University of Economics, project: Systemic suport of management processes in the local government units (Systemowe wsparcie procesów zarządzania w JST) with the help of the European Social Fund, implementation period 1.02.2015 – 30.06 2015. Worked in the public administration as, among others, adviser of the Prime Minister, Vice Director of the Bureau of Social Affairs of the Chancellery of the President, chief of advisors of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development. Author of many scientific publications on the status of civil servants in Poland and Europe, systems of civil service in the EU and in the world, role of the public administration in a democratic state, and ethics in the public service.
Research interests
Public sector, public administration, civil service, local government, work ethics of functionaries, public ethics, pathologies within the public administration.
Department of State Sciences and Public Administration
Recent publications:
J. Itrich-Drabarek, Etyka zawodowa funkcjonariuszy służb państwowych, Warszawa, 2019.
J. Itrich-Drabarek, Encyclopedia of public administration, Warszawa, 2019.
J. Itrich-Drabarek, S. Mazur, J. Wiśniewska-Grzelak, The Transformations of the Civil Service in Poland in Comparison with International Experience, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Warszawa, Wien, 2018.