Leś Ewa prof. dr hab.

Leś Ewa


prof. dr hab. Ewa Leś – Professor, research and didactic worker at the Faculty of Political Sciences and International Studies of the University of Warsaw, in 2009-2019 Head of the Civil Society Development Department at the Institute of Social Policy, the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies of the University of Warsaw, formerly (between 2001 and 2013) Head of the Non-profit Organization Research Department at the Institute of Political Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Since 2014, the editor-in-chief of the quarterly “Zeszyty Naukowe Zakładu Rozwoju Społeczeństwa Obywatelskiego (Scientific Journals of the Department of Civil Society Development).” Member of the Editorial Board of the British scientific periodical “Voluntary Sector Review.” Author of over 120 scientific and popular science publications, 7 original monographs, articles in national and foreign scientific periodicals and 9 collective volumes, including a monograph. Coordinator of 5 national research teams and 3 Polish sections of international research projects, including two Framework Programmes of the European Commission. Consultant in many national and international research projects carried out by universities, research institutions of EU Member States and EEA countries regarding social organizations, cooperative movements, social security policy and social integration, and family policy. She cooperates with the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy and the Government Population Council. Since 2015, a member of the National Development Council at the President of the Republic of Poland, Section: Social policy, family. Since 2018, member of the Council of the National Institute of Freedom – Centre for Civil Society Development, appointed by the Deputy Prime Minister – Chairman of the Public Interest Committee.

Research interests

She specializes in social analyses of the evolution and perspectives of the modern welfare state, the role of the state, market and civic sectors in social policy, family policy and demographic policy. She is one of the leading researchers in the field of Polish citizenship. In the 1980s, when the issues of social organizations were beyond the scope of interest of political scientists and academic social policy, she initiated a new trend of research on non-public entities of social policy. The first publication entitled Wybrane formy podmiotowości społecznej a rozwój [Selected forms of social subjectivity and development] prepared together with Prof. Andrzej Piekara was published by the Institute of Social Policy of the University of Warsaw in 1988.


Department of Social Policy and Insurance

Recent publications:

E. Leś, Dobroczynność, wolontariat, praca socjalna, [w:] Praca socjalna 30 wykładów, (red.) K. Frysztacki, Warszawa, 2019, s. 213-227.

E. Leś, Rola organizacji trzeciego sektora w usługach społecznych w Polsce, [w:] Polityka społeczna, (red.) G. Firlit-Fesnak, J. Męcina, Warszawa, 2018, s. 472-492.

E. Leś, B. Balcerzak-Paradowska, Polityka rodzinna w Polsce w latach 1918-2018: od działań kompensacyjnych do polityki inwestycji społecznych, [w:] Stulecie polskiej polityki społecznej, (red.) E. Bojanowska, M. Grewiński, M. Rymsza, G. Uścińska, Warszawa, 2018, s. 216-249.