Łukowski Wojciech prof. ucz. dr hab.

Łukowski Wojciech


dr hab. Wojciech Łukowski, prof. ucz. – University professor, employee of the Department of Sociology of Politics and Political Marketing at the University of Warsaw, member of the Migration Research Centre at the University of Warsaw, member of the Migration Research Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences, chairman of the Scientific Council of the Migration Studies Publishing Series, member of the Scientific Council of the Migration Research Centre at the University of Warsaw, member of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Psychology at the Polish Academy of Sciences, chairman of the Scientific Council of the Masoviacultural heritage journal. Contractor of Polish and international research projects, including: Polish workers on the European Union labour market (Ministry of Science and Higher Education), Socio-political division in Poland. Ethno-survey analysis (Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education), Everyday life and neighbourhood in the borderland between Poland and the Russian Federation (Volkswagen Foundation, University of Bielefeld), Impact of seasonal migration on local communities in Poland (Polish-German Foundation for Science, University of Bielefeld), Resources of local communities on the example of Gołdap micro-region (Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education). He is currently leading the project Social and territorial mobility in the biographical and generational experience of small town dwellers (National Science Centre). Senior Fellow at the Institute for Cultural Studies in Vienna (2012), lectures and papers at the Universities of Bielefeld, Tübingen, Rostock, Berlin, Vienna, Congresses of the Polish and German Sociological Society. Supervisor of five doctoral theses. Author of articles and monographs in Polish and German on socio-political divisions, social and spatial mobility, cultural aspects of social development and politics.

Doctor of humanities in the field of political science (2006), acting director of the Centre for Political Analysis UW (since 2016), editor-in-chief of the OAP UW Scientific Quarterly “e-Politikon” (since 2012).  Manager of the research project Political Communication on the Internet (2014) funded by Google Poland. In the years 2010-2019, he gave lectures, among others in Madrid, Prague, Turin, Lecce, Nottingham, Šiauliai.

Research interests

Political communication, social media, conflict management.


Department of Political Sociology and Political Marketing

Recent publications:

W. Łukowski, Nauki o polityce w Polsce – zależność od szlaku i syndrom spóźnionego przybysza, [w:] Nauki o polityce 2.0. Kontrowersje i konfrontacje, (red.) S. Sulowski, Warszawa, 2018, s. 201-220.

W. Łukowski, Globalizacja, lokalność, migracje, [w:] 25 wykładów o migracjach, (red.) M. Lesińska, M. Okólski, Warszawa, 2018, s. 128-141.

Matura z wos-u coraz bliżej, dlatego z ogromną radością ogłaszamy kolejną edycję „WNPiSM uczy WOS-u nocą”. Jest to jedyny w swoim rodzaju maturalny kurs wos-u, który organizujemy już 16 raz!

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  • Wykładowcy WNPiSM UW o europejskiej renomie powtórzą z Wami najważniejsze zagadnienia potrzebne na maturze z WOS-u
  • Spotkacie się z przedstawicielami Samorządu Studentów, którzy wprowadzą Was w studencki klimat

Miejsce kursu:

  • Stara Biblioteka Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28 (kampus centralny UW)


  • 23.04.2024 20:00-02:00
  • 24.04.2024 20:00-02:00