Ołdak Małgorzata dr

Ołdak Małgorzata


dr Małgorzata Ołdak – doctor of humanities in the field of political science (2011). Graduate of Postgraduate Studies Academy for Evaluation of Socio-Economic Development Programmes implemented by the Centre for European Regional and Local Studies (2009). Research and didactic worker at the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies at the University of Warsaw. From 2017 until 2019, Deputy Director of the Institute of Social Policy for didactics; earlier, inter alia, Head of Postgraduate Studies in Social Economy Management and Social Policy Management.

In 2018-2019, she managed the project “Implementation of a new model of training specialists in rehabilitation management – as an element of comprehensive rehabilitation in Poland,” and previously a project co-financed by the National Centre for Research and Development under the Social Innovation Programme entitled “Społeczna Agencja Najmu jako instrument polityki mieszkaniowej w Polsce [Social Rental Agency as an instrument of housing policy in Poland]” (2015-2016). In the years 2014-2015 she was the content coordinator of research carried out under the project “System wzmacniania potencjału i kompetencji sektora spółdzielczości socjalnej oraz stworzenie sieci współpracy z instytucjami rynku pracy oraz pomocy i integracji społecznej [System for strengthening the potential and competences of the social cooperative sector and creating a cooperation network with institutions of the labour market as well as social assistance and integration.”

Co-implementer or expert in numerous projects related to the broadly understood social policy (among others, System of participatory management of the social economy sphere (2018-2019), Implementation of a new model of training specialists in rehabilitation management – as an element of comprehensive rehabilitation in Poland (2020), Comprehensive forms of socio-professional reintegration in the local environment (2014), STOP Schemes! Joint activities of social welfare institutions and labour market institutions – pilotage (2014).

Research interests

III sector, social entrepreneurship, social economy, sharing economy, social assistance and integration, social and professional reintegration of people at risk of social exclusion, senior policy, evacuation of public policies, deinstitutionalization of social services, civic participation.


Department of Social Policy

Recent publications:

Jaroszewska E., Ołdak M., Ochrona zdrowia, zdrowie i życie ludzkie jako kluczowe obszary zagrożenia w czasie pandemii COVID-19 w Polsce, Studia Politologiczne 3/2022, vol. 65, Warszawa 2022.

Ołdak M., Przeciwdziałanie skutkom pandemii COVID-19 w Polsce. Wybrane problemy i inicjatywy na rzecz osób w kryzysie bezdomności i mieszkańców domów pomocy społecznej, Studia Politologiczne 3/2022, vol. 65, Warszawa 2022.

Izdebski A., Mering T., Ołdak M., Selected Aspects of Social Cooperatives in Poland, Szarfenberg R., Euricse Working Papers, 93/17.

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  • Stara Biblioteka Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28 (kampus centralny UW)


  • 23.04.2024 20:00-02:00
  • 24.04.2024 20:00-02:00