Schreiber Hanna


dr hab. Hanna Schreiber – academic teacher and researcher at the University of Warsaw since 2006; holder of M.A. diplomas in political science (2005, with distinction); law (2006, with distinction) and art history (2010). PhD in humanities in 2012 and habilitation in social sciences in 2020. A visiting scholar at Workshop Ostrom (Indiana University, Bloomington) and University of Pennsylvania in Spring 2022 and autumn 2023. Holder of the UNESCO Chair on Intangible Cultural Heritage in Public and Global Governance from 2024. More: and

She is the principal  investigator of the research grant received from the Polish National Science Centre: SONATA 15, no 2019/35/D/HS5/04247, title of the research project: Between the heritage of the world and the heritage of humanity: researching international heritage regimes through the lens of Elinor Ostrom’s Institutional Analysis and Development (IAD) framework, She is also a member of the team (contractor) of another grant received from the National Science Centre: OPUS 18, Legal forms of heritage management in Europe (2020-2023); principal investigator: dr Andrzej Jakubowski.

Since October 2022 she is a mentor of Polonez BIS grant: a fellowship programme for experienced researchers, co-funded by the European Commission and the Polish National Science Centre under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie COFUND grant. The grant received by dr Iuliia Eremenko is titled: Local experts in Polish and German world heritage cities: their role in polycentric management of heritage sites.

Hanna is currently the President of the ICH Board of the Capital City of Warsaw (since February 2020), appointed by the President of the City and member of the Team for intangible cultural heritage of Krakow, established in December 2023. She was the main coordinator and co-author, appointed by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage in Poland, of the first nomination from Poland to the UNESCO Representative List of the ICH of Humanity (The Nativity scene – szopka – tradition in Kraków, inscribed successfully in 2018). She was a member and a Deputy President of the National Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) Board in Poland and head of the Working Group on Legal and Strategic Aspects of ICH Safeguarding of this board (2013-2018). She held the position of co-coordinator of the Intangible Cultural Heritage Researchers Network (within the Association of Critical Heritage Studies) in years 2018-2022.

Hanna was a member of Polish official delegations to UNESCO 2003 Convention General Assemblies (GA) and Intergovernmental Committee (COM) meetings in France (GA 2016, GA 2018), Ethiopia (COM 2016), Korea (COM 2017), Mauritius (COM 2018) and Sri Lanka (on-line COM 2021). She represented her University and an NGO accredited to UNESCO: Association of Folk Artists, in Colombia (COM 2019), Jamaica (on-line COM 2020), Morocco (COM 2022), Botswana (2023) as well as at GA in 2020, 2022 and 2024 in France.

She has been invited as an independent expert by UNESCO for discussing and drafting Ethical Principles on the Safeguarding of ICH (adopted in 2015), World Atlas of Languages (expertise on the legal dimension, 2017), Principles and Modalities for the Safeguarding of ICH in Emergencies (adopted in 2019), Reform of the listing mechanism of the 2003 Convention (adopted in the form of amendments to Operational Directives to the 2003 Convention during GA in 2022).

She is actively engaged in the activities of 5 international organizations: Intangible Cultural Heritage NGO Forum (forum of NGOs accredited to UNESCO), Association of Critical Heritage Studies (ACHS), European Society of International Law (ESIL), International Law Association (ILA), International Society for Ethnology and Folklore (SIEF) and 3 national scientific NGOs (Association of Folk Artists, Polish Association of International Studies, For All Moonkind – American NGO).

Speaker, organizer and participant in international conferences, workshops and seminars concerning culture and cultural heritage organized in Hungary, Greece, Spain, the Netherlands, Germany, Norway, Belgium, Italy, United Kingdom, France, Russia, Latvia, Korea, China, Mauritius, Morocco, India, Bulgaria, Albania, Slovenia, Colombia, Botswana and the United States.

Research interest

Interdisciplinary approach to intangible cultural heritage governance, institutional analysis and Elinor Ostrom’s methodology and concepts (polycentric governance, commons, collective action dilemmas), participation in global cultural governance, sociology and anthropology of international relations.


Department of Methodology of Political Science

Recent publications:

Schreiber Hanna (z Sabriną Urbinati) (2024), International cultural heritage law and other international legal regimes, [w:] L. Lixinski, L. Morisset (eds), Routledge Handbook on Heritage and Law, Routledge;

Schreiber Hanna (2023), Governing intangible cultural heritage commons, [w:] Ch. Bortolotto, A. Skounti (eds), Intangible Cultural Heritage and Sustainable Development, Routledge.

Schreiber Hanna (with Bartosz Pieliński) (2023), Inviting all humanity to an elite club? Understanding tensions in UNESCO’s global heritage regimes through the lens of a typology of goods, “International Journal of Cultural Policy” vol 29, no 1, DOI: 10.1080/10286632.2022.2141727 (in special volume on “Heritage Diplomacy: Policy, Praxis, and Power”), pp. 113-129;