Wróbel Anna dr

Wróbel Anna


Dr Anna Wróbel – Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies (Department for Regional and Global Studies), University of Warsaw. Head of First and Second Cycle Degree Programme in International Relations. Ph.D. in Political Science (2007). Her doctoral dissertation is on the policy of liberalization of international trade in services. Postgraduate Studies in Foreign Trade at the Warsaw School of Economics (2004). A graduate of the Institute of International Relations, University of Warsaw (2003). Founder member of the Polish International Studies Association (Polskie Towarzystwo Studiów Międzynarodowych, PTSM).  Governing Board Member and Treasurer of the Warsaw unit of the  Polish International Studies Association. Member of the International Studies Association (ISA); Central and East European International Studies Association (CEEISA) and European International Studies Association (EISA), Development Studies Association (DSA). Visiting Scholar (selected): Carlos III University of Madrid (2009), Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze/ University of Economics, Prague (2016), Universitat de Lleida (2016). Guest lectures (selected): University of Suffolk (2018), Jawaharlal Nehru University (2019).

Research interests

Global Trade Governance; World Trade Organisation; international trade in services; processes of international trade liberalization, in particular liberalization of international trade in services; food security; international trade in agri-food commodities; economic dimension of globalization; regional economic integration; EU trade policy; China’s trade policy.


Department  for Regional and Global Studies

Recent publications:

A. Wróbel, The functionality and dysfunctionality of global trade governance – the European Union perspective, [w:] The Future of Global Economic Governance. Challenges and Prospects in an Age of Uncertainty, (red.) M. Rewizorski, K. Jędrzejowska, A. Wróbel, first online, 2020, s. 161-175.

A. Wróbel, W kierunku reformy Światowej Organizacji Handlu, [w:] Globalne zarządzanie gospodarcze. Wyzwania dla światowego systemu handlu, (red.) A. Wróbel, K. Jędrzejowska, M. Rewizorski, Warszawa, 2019, s. 43-74.

A. Wróbel, China’s Trade Policy: Realist and Liberal Approaches, [w:] Application of International Relations Theories in Asia and Africa, (red.) M. Grabowski, T. Pugacewicz, Berlin, 2019, s. 173-204.

*CV ( ENG)

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  • Stara Biblioteka Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28 (kampus centralny UW)


  • 23.04.2024 20:00-02:00
  • 24.04.2024 20:00-02:00