Student internships
Given the current epidemiological situation, we recommend that you participate in fully or partially remote internships. For internships which require you to appear at the workplace, the host organisation should represent (in an e-mail) that they provide the internship in a way that ensures the observance of a sanitary regime consistent with the Chief Sanitary Inspectorate guidelines.
If you commenced your degree programme before 1 October 2019, you are obliged to participate in three months of internships, which should roughly correspond to 360 hours of internships. You can do an internship in one go, at a single organisation, or divide it between multiple employers. Minimum internship duration at one organisation is one month. Therefore, you may divide your internship into two periods (lasting one and two months, respectively), or three periods, each one month long.
You are obliged to receive internship credit within the periods specified in the curriculum for your degree programme. The curricula are available for you to read at the Faculty’s website. You may complete your internship in earlier years of your degree programme. However, only the activities you undertake once you began your studies may be considered for internship credit.
Given the current epidemiological situation, we recommend that you participate in fully or partially remote internships. For internships which require you to appear at the workplace, the host organisation should represent (in an e-mail) that they provide the internship in a way that ensures the observance of a sanitary regime consistent with the Chief Sanitary Inspectorate guidelines.
If you commenced your degree programme on 1 October 2019 or later, you are obliged to participate in six months of student internships, which should roughly correspond to 720 hours of internships. You can do an internship in one go, at a single organisation, or divide it between multiple employers. However, minimum internship duration at one organisation is one month.
You should receive internship credit within the periods specified in the curriculum for your programme, i.e. you should receive credit for two months in Semester 4, another two months in Semester 5, and another two months in Semester 6. You may complete your internship in earlier years of your degree programme. However, only the activities you undertake once you began your studies may be considered for internship credit.
You should complete the number of internship hours required by your degree programme and at the given year of studies. In justified cases, you may request that internship credit be awarded to you based on your employment or other forms of activities. You may not receive internship credit based on your sole proprietorship.
Step 1. Consultations with the programme’s internship supervisor
The supervisor provides advice on the selection of the internship provider which would be adequate for the given programme, together with information on the course of the internship, and the manner of receiving internship credit. If necessary, the representative may issue an internship referral letter. You can download the letter form in the Documents tab.
Step 2. Individual agreement on internship provision signed by the Educational Unit Manager’s representative for internships at the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies
Internships are provided under an individual agreement, with a framework internship programme constituting its integral part. You can download the agreement form in the Documents tab. On behalf of the University of Warsaw, the agreement is signed by the Educational Unit Manager’s representative. Please print out the agreement form in three counterparts.
Note: One counterpart should bear an annotation by the programme’s supervisor, accepting the internship provider.
Note: The employer may suggest that their own template agreement be signed. This should not be a problem, though other template agreements must be approved by University of Warsaw lawyers (which prolongs the procedure by some time).
After the internship provider signs the agreement, you are obliged to return one copy of the agreement to the University. The representative for internships or internship supervisor apply for the student’s personal injury insurance for the duration of the internship, and provide additional information related to the course of the internship.
Step 3. Participation in the internship
If you find any problems or shortcomings related to the course of your internship, please contact the relevant programme supervisor and Educational Unit Manager’s representative.
Step 4. Internship credit
Having completed your internship, you are obliged to present the programme supervisor with documents necessary to receive internship credit. It is on the basis of these documents that the supervisor awards you internship credit in the usosweb system.
Each time after you complete an internship, please present:
– an internship certificate issued and signed by the internship provider, the form for which you can find in the Documents tab.
Note: please print the form that is relevant for your degree programme.
– a filled out questionnaire on the course of your internship.
Furthermore, if you are to receive credit for the full mandated duration of your internship, i.e. you have completed your whole internship at one organisation, or completed the final part of your divided internship, you should present an internship completion report (the form for which you can download in the Documents tab).
Step 1. Consultations with the programme’s internship supervisor
The programme supervisor should assess whether your employment or other activities you undertook satisfy the internship conditions for your degree programme. You should present the supervisor with a complete request to receive internship credit based on employment or other forms of activities, together with other documents confirming such employment or activities. You can download the request form in the Documents tab.
Step 2. Internship credit awarded based on employment or other forms of activities by the Educational Unit Manager’s representative for internships at the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies
Based on the documentation you provide, the Education Unit Manager’s representative verifies whether your activities merit internship credit.
Note: The document should bear an annotation by the programme supervisor, accepting the activities in question.
The verification is formal (concerns e.g. whether the duration of your employment/activities is sufficient to award internship credit), and substantive (your activities should correspond to your degree programme). Based on the documentation in question, the supervisor awards you internship credit in the usosweb system.
In each instance, please present:
– a certificate of employment at a company/institution, specifying the scope of your duties, or a document confirming your conduct of other activities;
– a statement of professional responsibilities you performed signed by the employer’s representative, the form for which you can download in the Documents tab.
Furthermore, if you wish to receive internship credit based on employment or other forms activities, you should present a report on the performance of professional responsibilities, the form for which you can download in the Documents tab.
If you know you would like to do an internship at a certain organisation, please contact the person responsible there, and determine the period and form of your internship. Suggest possible ways of formalising the internship to the employer. Remember to consult with the programme supervisor with respect to your selection of the internship provider.
If you do not know at what organisation you would like to do an internship, please ask the programme supervisor for advice in this matter. You may also look at the offering of the University of Warsaw’s Career Office or internship postings at the Faculty’s website.
dr Vadym Zheltovskyy
Office hours: Thursday, 18.30-20.00,
3 Krakowskie Przedmieście st., Auditorium Building, Room no. 203
office houres: Thusday 13:30-14:30