November 18, 2022

Wykład “Japan, Russia, and China: A Japanese perspective on the Russian aggression in Ukraine”

Prof. Shin Kawashima z Tokyo University wygłosi na WNPiSM wykład na temat: Japan, Russia, and China: A Japanese perspective on the Russian aggression in Ukraine. Wykład
November 4, 2022

Webinar „China, The Party, Xi Jinping- what does 20th CPC National Congress change?”

Student Association of Pacific Area States (KPOP) would like to kindly invite you to a webinar „China, The Party, Xi Jinping- what does 20th CPC National
November 4, 2022

The seminar “Contemporary Peru: Opportunities and Challenges”

The Student Association of Latin America and the Caribbean is proud to invite you to the seminar “Contemporary Peru: Opportunities and Challenges”. Our guest of honor
October 28, 2022

Dr. Iuliia Eremenko takes part in the 12th conference of the “Genealogies of Memory” series

On October 26-28, 2022, the 12th “Genealogies of Memory” “History and Memory in International Relations” conference is held at the Library of the University of Warsaw.