March 27, 2020

Multicultural Volunteering Online

Dear Students, we encourage you to join the new initiative:
March 20, 2020

Information on remote/online teaching

Below please find detailed information on remote/online teaching of the courses in your programmes. The list may be updated in the future. If you have any
March 18, 2020

Dr Anna Wróbel’s classes on the KAMPUS COME platform

All classes by Dr Anna Wróbel in the 1st and the 2nd cycle studies inInternational Relations are available on the KAMPUS COME platform People who
March 5, 2020

Ogłoszenie konkursu CEUS-UNISONO

Szanowni Państwo, zapraszamy do zapoznania się z konkursem CEUS-UNISONO. Wszystkie informacje dostępne TU.