September 30, 2020

Adaptation days for first-year students

Dear students, we present information on adaptation days (date and time of the online meeting with the head of studies ) 08.10.2020 r godz. 10.00 Links
September 29, 2020

European Health Insurance Card – Erasmus mobility for studies

The following information refers to health insurance required during your Erasmus mobility for studies. Students who have a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) / EKUZ card
September 29, 2020

Head of Didactic Unit informs

We invite you to read the information on the form of teaching in the winter semester -> there
September 17, 2020

Cultural Orientation at UW workshop

Dear Students, We would like to invite you to the Cultural Orientation at UWworkshop, organized by the Welcome Point. The main goal of this free event