October 24, 2019

Dean Hours on October 31st, from 1 pm

Dear Students, We would like to announce Dean Hours on October 31st (Thursday) from 1pm, meaning, after that time all classes are canceled.
October 23, 2019

Bilateral exchange

The call for bilateral exchange in South Korea, India, CHina and Japan has been opened. Students interested in the exchange can find the details and the
October 17, 2019

Międzynarodowa współpraca technologiczna – 17.10.2019 odwołane

Z przyczyn organizacyjnych zajęcia z przedmiotu Międzynarodowa współpraca technologiczna dnia 17.10.2019 r. zostają odwołane. Zajęcia odbędą się w kolejnym tygodniu.
October 17, 2019

Maciej Raś, PhD – next office hours

On October the 17th my office hours will be shorter, finishing at 2 pm. (afterwards, I will hold MA defences). In the next week, on October