October 24, 2022

Zmiana związana z kontaktem ws. stypendiów

Od semestru zimowego roku akademickiego 2022/2023 wnioski o stypendium socjalne studentów Wydziału Nauk Politycznych i Studiów Międzynarodowych rozpatrywane są przez Biuro ds. Pomocy Materialnej, a nie
October 19, 2022

Recruitment to foreign study tour for students

From 15th to 19th November 2022 there will be a foreign study tour for students of the first-(2 nd and 3 rd year), second cycle studies
October 18, 2022

Invitation for the XXI International Student Conference Politics & Society in Central and Eastern Europe

The Institute of Political Science of the University of Wroclaw invites students and PhD candidates to submit their proposals for the XXI International Student Conference “Politics
October 10, 2022


It is with great pleasure that we announce the opening of KPOP membership application New members will have the opportunity to: ️ participate in many illuminating