dr hab. Maciej Raś prof. ucz. – an associate professor at the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies, University of Warsaw, Poland. He received his Ph.D. (2003) and habilitation (2019), both in political science, from the University of Warsaw. Vice-Dean for Students Affairs/Head of Educational Unit. Previously: the Dean’s Representative on Foreign Ph.D. Candidates (2013-2020), the Head of the Postgraduate Cultural Marketing Studies at the University of Warsaw (2006-2014); the Head of the National Security Study at the University of Warsaw (2008-2014); the coordinator of cooperation between the Institute of International Relations, University of Warsaw, and universities in Russia. He lectured at some universities abroad (e.g., in China and Russia) and presented papers, among others, in Baltimore, Bonn, Chengdu, Frankfurt am Main, Heidelberg, Jerusalem, Kaliningrad, Moscow, Nashville, Odessa, St. Petersburg, San Francisco, Sofia, and Tokyo.
Research interests
International political relations, international relations in the post-Soviet area, Russia’s foreign and security policy, West-Russia relations, East in Poland’s foreign policy, subnational actors in IR (paradiplomacy).
Recent publications:
Raś (co-author: K. Khudoley), The History of Russia-European Union Relations, in: M. David, T. Romanova (eds), The Routledge Handbook of EU-Russia Relations, “Routledge”, Abingdon, Oxon; New York, NY; 2021, pp. 15-25.
Raś, W. Hilz, S. Minasyan (eds), Ambiguities of Europe’s Eastern Neighbourhood: Perspectives from Germany and Poland, “Springer”, Wiesbaden 2020, pp. 146.
Raś, Aktywność międzynarodowa regionów Federacji Rosyjskiej (International Activity of the Russian Federation’s Regions), „Elipsa” Publishing House, Warszawa 2018, pp. 426.