Zawadzki Piotr dr

Zawadzki Piotr W.


dr Piotr W. Zawadzkidoctor of humanities in the field of political science (2007), graduate of the Institute of Social Policy (2001) and the Institute of Political Sciences (1999) of the University of Warsaw, assistant professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities at the University of Warsaw. He conducts classes with students, inter alia, in the following subjects: European Social Policy, European Labour Market, European Cohesion and Development Policy, Labour Market Policy. Co-founder and member of the Management Board of the Norden Centrum Scientific Foundation. He participates in scientific and research programs conducted by the University of Warsaw Masovian Observatory of the Labour Market, and the Norden Centrum Foundation on the problems of the labour market, vocational education, and international comparative social policy. He publishes in specialist publishing houses, he is also a co-author of a textbook for secondary schools for the subject Civics. Coordinator of the Social Sciences area and an internal expert in the Expert Management Department National Centre for Research and Development.

Research interests

R+D+I programmes, implementation innovations, structural policy (EU), labour market, education and employment, use of IT/ML/AI in public policies.


Department of Social Policy

Recent publications:

P. Zawadzki, Dyskurs polityczny wokół imigrantów i polityki imigracyjnej Polski w kampanii wyborczej 2011 r. oraz strategii polskiej prezydencji w Unii Europejskiej, [w:] Imigranci w polskim dyskursie publicznym, (red.) Ł. Łotocki, G. Firlit-Fesnak, Warszawa, 2014, s. 235-237.

P. Zawadzki, Aktywność zawodowa i struktura zatrudnienia, [w:] Dekada członkostwa w Unii Europejskiej. Perspektywa polityki społecznej, (red.) C. Żołędowski, B. Rysz-Kowalczyk, M. Duszczyk, Warszawa, 2015, s. 90-110.

P. Zawadzki, Szwedzka polityka imigracyjna, [w:] Europejskie polityki imigracyjne. Stare dylematy, nowe wyzwania, (red.) G. Firlit-Fesnak, Ł. Łotocki,  P. W. Zawadzki, Warszawa, 2016, s. 73-112.
